Substance Abuse Warning Signs in the Workplace

by Ashley Miller

Substance abuse in the workplace is a serious issue. Alcoholism alone results in 500 million lost work days each year, according to statistics provided by the U.S. Department of Labor. And employees who use illicit drugs are more likely to request time off, file workman’s compensation, experience increased absences and contribute to or cause workplace accidents. To determine if employees or colleagues have substance abuse problems, pay attention to the warning signs.

Poor Mood
Changes in mood are usually key signs of substance abuse issues. While everyone experiences occasional moodiness or feels depressed, people with substance abuse problems often display dramatic mood changes that deviate from their normal everyday workplace behavior. According to Shepell FGI, a Canadian Employee and Family Assistance Program, mood changes that are often associated with substance abuse include irritability, depression, paranoia and being withdrawn or, contrarily, being more talkative than usual, especially after lunch breaks.

Decreased Productivity
A decrease in productivity and efficiency is another potential warning sign of employee substance abuse, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. An employee with a substance abuse problem might slack off, stop meeting deadlines, experience a decrease in output or display a dramatic change in overall job performance. He might spend more time on non-work related activities, seem to have more downtime, take long bathroom breaks or trips to step outside, or even sleep on the job.

Absenteeism and Tardiness
Calling in sick due to substance abuse or alcoholism can occur at any time during the week, but it seems to be more common on Monday mornings. Employees with substance abuse problems might also frequently show up late, leave early or come in to work with a hangover. They tend to experience more job turnover as a result of absenteeism or overuse of sick time in previous jobs. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, employees with substance abuse issues were more likely to report frequent job changes in the past year.

Physical Changes
In addition to the behavioral symptoms, you can also spot potential substance abuse by observing physical symptoms and changes. For example, you might notice that an employee’s eyes are bloodshot or that his breath smells like alcohol. He might experience a dramatic weight gain or weight loss in a short period of time. He might appear to have lost interest in personal care and show up to work looking sloppy and poorly dressed. In more serious cases, you might also observe physical tremors, loss of coordination or slurred speech.

Learning to recognize the warning signs of substance abuse might enable you to take appropriate action, like contacting your company’s employee assistance program or union official. However, keep in mind that the appearance of one isolated sign or symptom is usually not enough to warrant a substance abuse charge. It’s important to realize that these symptoms can also be signs of other underlying problems, such as physical issues or other mental health disorders.

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